Central Milton Keynes, 1987
Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire was designated a New Town on 23 January 1967 – 50 years ago today. I’ve visited twice, once in 1987 and again in 2012. I think it’s a great town (surely it should have city status by now) and although some neighbourhoods were looking a little weathered in 2012 there was also lots of new and original housing being built.
Milton Keynes has a spacious feel about the place and I love the futuristic thecentre:mk (now part of Central Milton Keynes Shopping Centre) with its steel-framed, Mies van der Rohe inspired, architecture. Designed by Derek Walker in 1973 this building is over 1km in length and now has Grade II listed status.
Below are some of my shots from those visits to Milton Keynes showing The Centre, Tinkers Bridge, Broughton, Witan Gate, Oxley Wood and finally the Art of Silence sculpture by Bernard Schottlander in the grounds of Challenge House.
Unfortunately I only have two scans from the 1987 visit, but I hope you enjoy the views and Happy Birthday MK!
Tinkers Bridge

Tinkers Bridge, Woughton, Milton Keynes

Mad Hatters Tea Party, Tinkers Bridge

Brent, Tinkers Bridge

Colne, Tinkers Bridge

Tinkers Bridge Housing

Boat, Tinkers Bridge
The Centre

thecentre:mk shopping centre

Clock Tower, thecentre:mk

Secklow Gate

Secklow Gate

Milton Keynes Market

Milton Keynes Market

Curve with lampost

Pedestrians Do Not Have Prioity

Central Milton Keynes, 1987

Foxfield, Broughton

Foxfield, Broughton

Broughton Housing
Witan Gate

Vizion, Witan Gate

Vizion, Witan Gate

Vizion, Witan Gate
Oxley Woods

Oxley Woods

Oxley Woods

Oxley Woods

Oxley Woods

Oxley Woods

Oxley Woods

Road Passing Bay
Challenge House

The Art of Silence, sculpture by Bernard Schottlander
Thanks for reading. You can see the full image set on Flickr.